...where you can find some site and page traffic analyses for Wikimedia wikis, based on midom's logs!
The page hit analyses on this site are based on the Wikimedia Squid access-log stream, like at!
This means that simply all page accesses (including those of bots/crawlers and reloads) are counted!
It's not a reliable page view or unique visitor counter! But it's better than nothing; see the FAQ.
- (THE)wikiStics [long-term; up to 392 days]
- 2008 [up to 211 days]
- December [Image->File transition | Stu's comScore data for November is out]
- November [Stu's comScore data for September is out, and accumulated logs are available]
- October [Without 2008-10-21 and 2008-10-22, due to corrupted source data]
- September [Squid server mishap on 2008-09-30+ (mainly for enwiki)]
- August [Studies of public interest: South Ossetia war | Sarah Palin || Study of public ignorance: Hurricane Gustav <<>> Bihar flood+Koshi River+Bihar || external]
- July [Full, final start (after rewrite); WikiProject bot]
- June [30 days; only 4 days analysed in detail, partially | inactivity]
- May [31 days; only 1 day analysed in detail, partially | inactivity | +Non-Wikipedias, available from May 17/18]
- April [30 days; archive, only 14 days analysed in detail, partially | inactivity]
- March [archive, totals, only 10 days analysed in detail, partially | Squid log outage between 3rd/4th; missed]
- February [Begin, 28 days | initial archive, totals]
- January [not analysed (missed)]
- 2007
- 2006/2007
- 2002–2004