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Search term counts per day for frp.wikipedia in month 2009-08 [based on 31 analysed days]; requests counted by Squid servers.

Note: Technically, only special-subpage searches (Special:Search/search_term) got counted!
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Most searched terms [hits per day]:
  1. 1Xx
  2. 1Supèrficie
  3. 1Féta nacionâla
  4. 1Ch·èf-luè
  5. 0Toche
  6. 0Rèpublica
  7. 0Populacion
  8. 0Lengoua oficièla
  9. 0Endèpendence
  10. 0Densitât de populacion
  11. 0Couta (g·eografia)
  12. 0Canton francês
  13. 0An
  14. 0Ans 1970
  15. 0A propôs
  16. 0Novèles
  17. 0Nord
  18. 0Copyright
  19. 0Contacte
  20. 0Calendriér grègorien
  21. 0Somèro
  22. 0Licence de documentacion abada GNU
  23. 0History-feed-empty
  24. 0Frontiére
  25. 0Avèrtissements g·ènèrals
  26. 0Calendriér d’èvènements
  27. 0Èconomia
  28. 0Suisse alstattelle
  29. 0Lista alfabètica des articllos
  30. 0Cultura populèra
...only search terms with at least 1 search per day are shown; rounded; sorting order is Z>A!

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